*JEZELI 3 POTWORY EXORI A JAK 5 EXORI GRAN :auto 100 if [$monstersaround.1 >= 5] {say ‘Exori Gran’ | wait 1900 | end} | if [$monstersaround.1 >= 3 {say 'Exori' | wait 1900}
*BIJE EXORI GDY NIE MA NIKOGO NA EKRANIE A JAK JEST EXORI HUR :auto 100 isattacking ifplayeronscreen {exori hur 100 | end} | if [$monstersaround.1 >= 1 && $mp >= 120] {say ‘exori’ |wait 1630}
*RZUCA MW W TO SAMO MIEJSCE :auto 1 keepmagwall
*LECZY LUDZI Z FRIENDS LISTY :auto 200 sio 80 friend
*ZAMIENIA SOFTY NA NOWE :auto 200 equipboots 3549
*WALI UE GDY 4 POTWORY :auto 100 if [$mcount."$m.distance <= 1" >= 4] say ‘Exevo gran mas vis’ | wait 1900
*JAK SKONCZA SIE SOFTY UBIJA POTWORY I DAJE LOGA :auto 1000 if [$bootsslot.id == 6530] {setfollowwaypoints off | logout}
*GDY POSTAC PADNIE WLANCZA SIE ALARM :auto 100 dontlist | if [$hp == 0] {playsound ‘playeronscreen.wav’ | flash}
*ANTY RS :auto 100 ifnoplayeronscreen if [$monstersaround.1 >= 1 && $mp >= 100] {say ‘exevo gran mas frigo’ | wait 100} |isattackingifplayeronscreen if [$monstersaround.1 >= 1 && $mp >= 40] {say ‘Exori frigo’ | wait 800}
*SKONCZA SIE SD BIJE FRIGO :auto 100 {if [$itemcount.IDSD == 0] && istargeting} say ‘exori frigo’
*COMBO UE :auto 10 if [$curmsg.sender == 'fix' && $curmsg.content == 'Exevo Gran Mas Frigo'] {say ‘Exevo Gran Mas Frigo’ | wait 1900}
*PONIZEJ 30% HP ZAKLADA ENERGY RINGA, ZDEJMUJE I ZAKLADA INNEGO :auto 200 if [$hppc <= 30] {equipring ‘id energy ringa’} | if [$hppc >= 90] {equipring ‘id dwarven ringa’}
Jak sa kolo ciebie 3 potwory (widzi ich 4 kratki od siebie) i jak nie ma gracza + ma uzyc czar jak bedzie wiecej niz 1500 many bedzie bil z ‘exevo gran mas frigo’,a gdy bedzie czlowiek lub jak bedzie mniej niz 3 potwory (liczac 4 kratki ode mnie) to zeby bilo z exori frigo.
auto 1000 ifnoplayeronscreen { if [$monstersaround.4 >= 3 && $mp >= 1500] { say ‘exevo gran mas frigo’ } } | ifplayeronscreen { if [$attacked.ismonster] { say ‘exori frigo’ }
———–Zaklada „Ston Skin Amulet”
auto 50 if [$amuletslot.id != 3081] equipammy 3081
Bije z runy o id 3187
auto 500 useoncreature 3187 target
Anty paral
auto 150 healparalysis utani hur
Bije z SD + reattack
auto 100 useoncreature 3155 target | wait 500
Gdy masz x hp urzyje UHaauto 200 if [$hp <= X] useoncreature 3160 self
Auto Utito Tempoauto 500 listas ‘Utito Tempo’ | if [$strengthtime == 0] say ‘utito tempo’
Msg Box czyli widzimy 6 ostatich wiadomosci w lewym dolnym rogu [Trzeba miec zaznaczone w HUD "On-Screen Info Enabled"] od siebie dodam ze jest to swietna opcjaauto 100 listas ‘MSG Box’| listboxsetup 1 [$screenleft+6] [$screenbottom-2] 6 4500000 ‘up’ | if $curmsg.isprivate { ifnot $curmsg.isbotlook { listboxaddline 1 $setcolor 237 242 ‘$systime [$curmsg.sender]: [$curmsg.content]‘ }}
Jesli nasza stamina spadnie do 14h bot stanie, zgubi pz i sie wylogujeauto 1000 listas ‘Log if 14h stamina’ | if [$stamina <= 60*14] {setcavebot off | $battlesign == 0] logout}
„Combo” leczenie [Spell + Potion]W miejsce NICK trzeba wpisac nick naszej postaci np Alex.W miejsce SPELL trzeba wpisac jakis czar leczacy np Exana Mort, badz Exura GranW miejsce ID trzeba wpisac ID potiona.
auto 10 if [$curmsg.sender == 'NICK' && $curmsg.content == 'SPELL' && $curmsg.isdefault] useoncreature ID self
Rzuca magic walla tak aby odgrodzic dany cel od Twoich wrogowWrogow dodac do ‘List’auto 50 mwallcover target
Rzuca magic wall w miejsce, ktore ochroni Cie on przed najwieksza iloscia wrogowWrogow dodac do ‘List’
auto 50 mwallshield
Jesli przypadkiem zaznaczysz kogos z danej gildii (lub swojej) to skrypt go odznaczyauto 100 if [$target.haslookinfo && $target.guild == 'NAZWA GILDI'] {stopattack | clear $target}
Wyswietla aktualne hp postaci w liczbie i w procentach Wrogow dodac do ‘List’auto 100 dontlist | setpos 100 100 | setcolor 745769 | displaytext ‘HP: $hp $hppc %’
Wyswietla aktualna mane postaci w liczbie i w procentachauto 100 dontlist | setpos 100 100 | setcolor 745769 | displaytext ‘MP: $mp $mppc %’
Jesli postac posiada ponizej 50 SD wylacza cavebota i probuje sie wylogowacauto 1000 if [$itemcount.'Sudden Death Rune'< 50] {setfollowwaypoints off | logout}
Jesli postac jest w pz wylaczy targeting a jesli jest poza pz wlaczy go.auto 2000 if $inpz settargeting off | ifnot $inpz settargeting on
Zamiana w szczora poprzez uzycie czaru Utevo res inaauto 500 if [$self.outfit != 21] say ‘Utevo Res Ina
Jesli braknie SD bedzie bic z exori frigo.auto 200 isattacking {if [$itemcount.'Sudden Death' < 2] say ‘Exori Frigo’}
Dash za potworem. Jesli zamiast NAZWA_STWORZENIA podstawisz Dragon, to postac bedzie „dashowac” za celem (dragonem)auto 50 dashchase NAZWA_STWORZENIA
~~~~?HASTE SCRIPTS?~~~~UTANI HURauto 200 if [$hp > 2500] hasteUTANI GRAN HUR HP 1500auto 200 if [$hp > 1500] stronghasteUTANI GRAN HURauto 200 ifnothasted say ‘UTANI GRAN HUR’ANTI PARA SHauto 100 listas ‘Anti – Paralyze’ | healparalysis ‘UTANI GRAN HUR’
DWARVEN RING IF EFREET ON SCREEN/ IF NOT TAKE OFF RINGauto 200 set $mons ‘Efreet’ | if [$mons.isonscreen == 1]{equipring ‘D-RING_ID’ | wait 300000 | moveitems ‘D-RING_ID’ ‘BACKPACK_NAME’}
FISHING ROD ON WATER ELEMENTALSauto 200 useongrounditem 3483 9582
AUTO RINGSauto 10 equipring 3053
SOFT BOOTS LOW MANA, BOH HIGH MANAauto 200 mplower 800 equipboots 6529 | mphigher 1400 equipboots 3079
STOP HUNTING AND LOG OUT IF NO SOFTauto 200 if [$sbtime == 0]{setfollowwaypoints off | wait 1000 | while [$battlesign == 0]{wait 5000} | logout}
STOP CAVEBOT AND TARGETINGif [$targetingon || $waypointson] {statusmessage ‘ElfBot NG – CaveBot Paused’ | settargeting off | setfollowwaypoints off | stopattack} else {statusmessage ‘ElfBot NG – CaveBot Resumed’ | settargeting on | setfollowwaypoints on}
KNIGHTS EXORI GRAN COMBOauto 100 if [$curmsg.sender == 'Lmfao' && $curmsg.content == '1' && $curmsg.isdefault] {say ‘exori gran’ |wait 1500}
STOP BOT IF 20 SD LEFT11:18 Alsatia [142]: auto 100 listas ‘Empty SD’ | if [$itemcount.'sudden death rune' <= 20] {setfollowwaypoints off | if [$battlesign == 0] logout |foreach’shootablemo
AUTO SSA AT X%auto 10 listas ‘Auto SSA’ | set $pc 40 | if [$hppc < $pc && $winitemcount.3081 >= 1 && $amuletslot.id != 3081] {equipammy 3081 | wait 90}
COMANDER OUTFITauto 500 setoutfit ‘Blon’ 127
PARALYZE HUNTauto 100 listas ‘HuStrong Haste’ | if [$inpz == 0 && $hasted == 0 && $mp > 100 && $monstersaround.5 == 0] say ‘Utani Gran Hur „Run As u Can | if [$paralyzed && $mp >= 20 && $monstersaround.5 >=1] ‘
auto 100 listas ‘HuStrong Haste’ | if [$inpz == 0 && $hasted == 0 && $mp > 100 && $monstersaround.5 == 0] say ‘Utani Hur „Party Rock People | if [$paralyzed && $mp >= 20 && $monstersaround.5 >=1] ‘
EXORI X IF NO SDauto 200 listas ‘shooter’ | if [$itemcount.'sudden death rune' <= 1 && $target.distance <= 3 && $target.ismonster] say exori vis
UE AT X MONSTER AND NO PLAYERS AROUNDauto 200 if [$monstersaround.4 >= 4 && $playersaround.8 == 0] {say ‘exevo gran mas frigo’}auto 200 if [$monstersaround.4 >= 2 && $playersaround.8 == 0] {say ‘exori’}
COMBO UEauto 100 if [$curmsg.isdefault && $curmsg.sender == 'Venom' && $curmsg.content == 'exevo gran mas flam'] {say ‘exevo gran mas flam’ | wait 1630}auto 100 if [$curmsg.isdefault && $curmsg.sender == 'Venom' && $curmsg.content == 'exevo gran mas frigo'] {say ‘exevo gran mas frigo’ | wait 1630}
ENEMY LIST AUTOMATICAMENTE, SI NO ESTA EN FRIEND LISTauto 200 foreach ‘allplayers’ $oo {if [$oo.isfriend == 0 && $oo.isenemy == 0] setrelation ‘$oo.name’ ‘enemy’}
CHANGE X VOCATION OF ENEMY LIST OUTFITauto 100 foreach ‘allplayers’ $l {if [$l.isenemy || $l.issubenemy] {setoutfitcolor $l.name 123 123 123 123 3 | if [$l.issorcerer] setoutfit $l.name 130 | if [$l.isdruid] setoutfit $l.name 144 | if [$l.isknight] setoutfit $l.name 134 | if [$l.ispaladin] setoutfit $l.name 152}}
MWALLTRAPERauto 100 listas ‘MW’ | safe {set $y $target.posy | set $x $target.posx | if [$target.posx > $posx] inc $x | if [$target.posx < $posx] dec $x | if [$target.posy > $posy] inc $y | if [$target.posy < $posy] dec $y | {useongroundxyz [3180] [$x] [$y] [$target.posz]}}
26. ATKMAX -> Automatically Attacks an enemy from enemies.txt
27. SPRINT -> Speedhack. You must hold down this key while tapping arrow keys.(Default is the DELETE key)
28. CHANGEALL ->Changes everyones outfit to a random outfit (CHANGEALL xxxx will change to the number xxxx)
29. CHANGESELF ->Changes your outfit to a random outfit (CHANGESELF xxxx will change to the outfit number xxxx);
30. GOUP ->Your character will use ladders,rope holes that are next to him
31. LOGOUT ->Your character will logout as soon as PZ is gone
32. UEMAX ->Leader uses this to make other chars cast their uecombo spell if they are in range
33. PUSHMAX and PUSHMAXD -> Pushes chars on enemy list or if you look at or target a character
34. STOPMANA -> Stops the Auto Mana Refiller until you press Escape
35. GFBCOMBO xxxx -> If you are leader your team will shoot a GFB rune combo with rune xxxx where you click. If you are not leader just gives you an xxxx crosshair
36. SDNEAR -> Shoots an SD on the target from enemies list that is closest to your you and your team
37. MWALLBEHIND->Shoots an Magic Wall behind your character
38. DODGE Escape to trappeds
1. auto 200 haste — utani hur
2. auto 100 healparalysis utani hur <-- anty paral
3. auto 200 manashield --utamo vita jak się skończy
4. auto 200 equipammy 3081 -- zakłada ssa
5. auto 10000 eatfood --jedzenie fooda
6. auto 100 if [$mp > 200 && $monstersaround.2 >= 3] ifnoplayeronscreen { say ‘exevo mas san’ | wait 100 } –exevo mas san gdy 3 potwory i nikogo na ekranie.
7. auto 1000 if [$bhttp://www.tmpl.info/ootsslot.id == 6530] say !soft zmienia softy komenda
8. auto 3000 useoncreature 3150 target Uderza w potwora z runy o danym ID (domy?lne ID 3150)
9. auto 200 listas ‘Gold coin platinum coin’ | stackitems | if [ $itemcount.3031 >= 100 ] equipbelt 3031 | if [$beltslot.id == 3031 && $beltslot.count == 100] useitem 3031 Zmiana GP na platynki/cc itp.
10. auto 500 skin 1 4025 4047 4011 4057 4052 4062 Wycinanie skórek z minosów
11. auto 200 equipboots 6259 Zmiana zużytych softów na nowe
12. auto 200 if [$invisible <= 300] say ‘utana vid’ Auto UtAnA vId (sam wrzuca utana vid jak się skończy)(vid)
13. auto 100 dontlist | if [$hppc <= 30] equipring MIGHTRINGID auto 100 dontlist | if [$hppc <= 30] equipring MIGHTRINGID
14. auto 100 listas „Anti push enabled” | if [$itemcount.3031 >= 2] {dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3031 2 | wait 300} | if [$itemcount.3492 >= 2] {dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3492 2 | wait 300} | if [$itemcount.283 >= 1] {dropitems 283 | wait 300} | if [$itemcount.284 >= 1] {dropitems 284 | wait 300} | if [$itemcount.285 >= 1] {dropitems 285 | wait 300} Anty push.Rzuca pod siebie GP
15. auto 100 listas ‘Anti Poison’ | if [$poisondmg >= 5 && $mp >= 30] {say ‘Exana Pox’ | wait 900} Exana pox gdy jeste?my zatruci (odejmuje po 5)
16. auto 100 dontlist | ifgm {settargeting off | setcavebot off} Jezeli pojawi sie GM wylacza Cavebotta i targeting.
17. magwall target Magwall target czyli rzuca Magic Walle 2 kratki przed „twarz” jeżeli mamy jš zaznaczonš.(F12)
18. spyup spydown Patrzenie na poziomy niżej lub wyżej
21. auto 100 mphigher 2200 say ‘exevo gran mas frigo’ Mana trainer (1000 to liczba many)
22. auto 200 pickupitems ID Podnoszenie itemów o danym ID z ziemi (free items)
23. auto 100 ifnot $connected { reconnect | wait 1000 } Automatyczne logowanie po kicku lub crashu serwera
24. auto 8000 say „utito tempo Utito Tempo- Char sam wrzuca czar ,,Utito Tempo”
25. auto 10000 turns | turnn Anty IDLE
26 auto 200 equipammy 3081 Wkładanie stone skin amuletów!
27 auto 100 isattacking ifplayeronscreen {exorihur 100 | end} | if [$monstersaround.1 >= 1 && $mp >= 120] {say ‘exori’ |wait 1630} Exori- bije exori gdy nikogo nie ma na ekranie gdy ktos sie pokaze bije exori hur
28. auto 1 keepmagwall Rzuca MW cały czas w to samo miejsce
29. auto 500 listas ‘Charge’ | ifnot $hasted say ‘utani tempo hur’ Po wpisaniu komendy bot automatycznie będzie rzucał czar „utani tempo hur” gdy się on skończy.
30. auto 10 if [$curmsg.sender == 'NICK LIDERA COMBO' && $curmsg.content == 'JAKI CZAR'] {say ‘JAKI CZAR’ | wait 1900} Ten skrypt pozwala walnšć Combo ue lub innego czaru
31. auto 200 equipboots 6529 Skrypt na zmiane softów
32. auto 100 if [$mcount."$m.distance <= 1" >= 4] say ‘Exevo gran mas vis’ | wait 1900 Wali z Ue gdy 4 potworki
33. auto 100 if [$hastetime <= 2000] say ‘utani hur’ | if [$mshieldtime <= 2000 say 'utito tempo' Bot sam trzyma zarówno Haste jak i utito tempo
34. auto 100 if [$hastetime <= 2000] say ‘utani gran hur’ | if [$mshieldtime <= 2000 say 'utamo vita' Bot sam trzyma zarówno Strong Haste jak i Mana Shield.
35. auto 100 if [$mppc < ilo?ć many] useoncreature id pota self Manaruna/pot na manę:
36. auto 200 sd enemy Gdy zobaczy wroga na ekranie automatycznie uderzy w niego sd!
38. auto 1000 useoncreature 268 nick Mój ulubiony skrypt chyba , bot manasuje wybrana osobę wybranym potem (268 to id pota)
39. auto 2000 if [$cap <50] {setcavebot off | settargeting off | playsound 'disconnected.wav'} Gdy mamy poniżej 50capa bot wyłšcza nam cavebota i targeting i włšcza się alarm
40. auto 2000 if [$standtime >= 45*1000] playsound playeronscreen.wav Bot piszczy gdy przez dany czas nie będziemy nic robić (tzn bez czynno?ć )
41. auto 1500 listas ‘Auto-utana’ | ifnot $invisible {say ‘Utana Vid’ | wait 800} Bot trzyma utane vid
42.auto 200 charge Bot trzyma utani tempo hur:
43. auto 200 swiftfoot Bot trzyma utamo tempo san
44. auto 620000 say !save zapsuje dane (vexoria)
45. auto 500 dontlist | mphigher 1000 say ‘utana vid’
46. auto 100 isattacking ifplayeronscreen {exori con 100 | end} | if [$monstersaround.1 >= 2 && $mp >= 120] {say ‘exevo mas san’ |wait 1630} – 1 exori con 2 exevo mas san
47. auto 200 dontlist | setoutfit „Master Pojjara’co” 309 – widzienie gracza jak potwor
48. auto 1000 ifnoplayeronscreen if [$monstersaround.1 >= 1 && $mp >= 0] {say ‘exevo gran mas frigo’ | wait 0} | ifplayeronscreen if [$monstersaround.1 >= 1 && $mp >= 0]{sd target} – wali ue jak nie ma na ekranie gracza a jak jest to sd
49. auto 500 if [$monstersaround.3 <= 1 ] { if [$target] { useoncreature ITEMID target } } else ifnoplayeronscreen { if [$mp >= 3000] { if [$monstersaround.3 >= 2] { say ‘Exevo Gran Mas Vis’ } } } – bot walil sd w target gdy jest 1 potwor, a jak jest wiecej niz 1 to wali exevo gran mas vis. jakby ktos czul sie na silach to takze by sie przydala taka opcja aby bot nie walil ue gdy gracz jest na ekranie.
50. auto 100 if [$monstersaround.3 > 0 ] say ‘exevo gran mas frigo’ – ue nawet gdy gracz na ekranie
51. auto 1000 listas „FWB” | if ?$bootsslot.id == 9020] say !recharge fire – naladowanie fwb
52. auto 100 pickupitems – zbiera co jest pod toba
53. auto 500 listas ‘Change SD/Frigo’ | countitemsvisible 3155 | if [$count > 5 && $attacked] sd target | countitemsvisible 3155 | if [$count < 5 && $attacked] say ‘exori frigo’ – gdy sie skoncza sd wali exori frigo
54. auto 200 isnotonscreen ‘Dragon Lord’ stronghaste – gdy nie ma potwora na ekranie wrzuca utani gran hur
*RECCONECT : auto 1000 if [$ss != 1] {if [$sstime != 0] set $ss 1} | if [$connected != 1 && $ss == 1] {wait (1 * 60 * 1000) | reconnect | wait 2000 | openbpitem | set $ss 0} | if [$connected != 1 && $ss != 1] {reconnect | wait 2000 | openbpitem}
*SPALANIE MANY : auto 200 mphigher 20 say ‘exura’
*ANTY-PARAL : auto 100 if $paralyzed {if [$hppc == 100] {say ‘Utani Gran Hur’ | end} | if [$hppc < 80] {say ‘Exura Gran’ | end} | if [$hppc < 100] {say ‘Exura’ | end}}
*RE-ATTACK : auto 200 attack target
*UTAMO VITA : auto 200 manashield
*3 LUB WIECEJ POTWORÓW : auto 200 if [$monstersaround.1 >= 3] {say ‘exori’}
*ANTY-IDLE : auto 10000 turnn | turns
*UTANA VID : auto 1500 listas ‘Auto-utana’ | ifnot $invisible {say ‘Utana Vid’ | wait 800}
*JEZELI 3 POTWORY EXORI A JAK 5 EXORI GRAN : auto 100 if [$monstersaround.1 >= 5] {say ‘Exori Gran’ | wait 1900 | end} | if [$monstersaround.1 >= 3 {say 'Exori' | wait 1900}
*BIJE EXORI GDY NIE MA NIKOGO NA EKRANIE A JAK JEST EXORI HUR : auto 100 isattacking ifplayeronscreen {exori hur 100 | end} | if [$monstersaround.1 >= 1 && $mp >= 120] {say ‘exori’ |wait 1630}
*RZUCA MW W TO SAMO MIEJSCE : auto 1 keepmagwall
*LECZY LUDZI Z FRIENDS LISTY : auto 200 sio 80 friend
*ZAMIENIA SOFTY NA NOWE : auto 200 equipboots 3549
*WALI UE GDY 4 POTWORY : auto 100 if [$mcount."$m.distance <= 1" >= 4] say ‘Exevo gran mas vis’ | wait 1900
*JAK SKONCZA SIE SOFTY UBIJA POTWORY I DAJE LOGA : auto 1000 if [$bootsslot.id == 6530] {setfollowwaypoints off | logout}
*GDY POSTAC PADNIE WLANCZA SIE ALARM : auto 100 dontlist | if [$hp == 0] {playsound ‘playeronscreen.wav’ | flash}
*ANTY RS : auto 100 ifnoplayeronscreen if [$monstersaround.1 >= 1 && $mp >= 100] {say ‘exevo gran mas frigo’ | wait 100} |isattacking ifplayeronscreen if [$monstersaround.1 >= 1 && $mp >= 40] {say ‘Exori frigo’ | wait 800}
*ANTY PUSH : auto 100 listas „Anti push enabled” | if [$itemcount.3031 >= 2] {dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3031 2 | wait 300} | if [$itemcount.3035>= 2] {dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3035 2 | wait 300} | if [$itemcount.283 >= 1] {dropitems 283 | wait
*ZAMIENIA GP NA PLATYNKI : auto 200 listas ‘Gold coin – platinum coin’ | stackitems | if [ $itemcount.3035 >= 100 ] equipbelt 3035 | if [$beltslot.id == 3031 && $beltslot.count == 100] useitem 3031
*ZMIENIA ADDON COMMANDERA : auto 200 setoutfit „name” 12
*LICZBA OSOB NA EKRANIE : say ‘Players on screen: [$playersaround.20] i Rasta
*ALARM GDY PK : auto 500 ifplayerattacking { flash | playsound monster.wav}
*SKONCZA SIE SD BIJE FRIGO : auto 100 {if [$itemcount.IDSD == 0] && istargeting} say ‘exori frigo’
*COMBO UE : auto 10 if [$curmsg.sender == 'fix' && $curmsg.content == 'Exevo Gran Mas Frigo'] {say ‘Exevo Gran Mas Frigo’ | wait 1900}
*PONIZEJ 30% HP ZAKLADA ENERGY RINGA, ZDEJMUJE I ZAKLADA INNEGO : auto 200 if [$hppc <= 30] {equipring ‘id energy ringa’} | if [$hppc >= 90] {equipring ‘id dwarven ringa’}
Jak sa kolo ciebie 3 potwory (widzi ich 4 kratki od siebie) i jak nie ma gracza + ma uzyc czar jak bedzie wiecej niz 1500 many bedzie bil z ‘exevo gran mas frigo’, a gdy bedzie czlowiek lub jak bedzie mniej niz 3 potwory (liczac 4 kratki ode mnie) to zeby bilo z exori frigo.
auto 1000 ifnoplayeronscreen { if [$monstersaround.4 >= 3 && $mp >= 1500] { say ‘exevo gran mas frigo’ } } | ifplayeronscreen { if [$attacked.ismonster] { say ‘exori frigo’ }
———– Zaklada „Ston Skin Amulet”
auto 50 if [$amuletslot.id != 3081] equipammy 3081
Bije z runy o id 3187
auto 500 useoncreature 3187 target
Anty paral
auto 150 healparalysis utani hur
Bije z SD + reattack
auto 100 useoncreature 3155 target | wait 500
Gdy masz x hp urzyje UHa auto 200 if [$hp <= X] useoncreature 3160 self
Leczenie przyjaciela UH-ami auto 200 foreach ‘shootableplayers’ $blok {if [$blok.name == 'TuWpiszImieGracza' && $blok.hp < X] uhpc 100 ‘$blok.name’}
Re-attack auto 200 attack target
!soft gdy sie skoncza. id zepsutych softow: 6530 auto 500 if [$bootsslot.id == 6530] say !soft
Szybkie zatrzymywanie cavebota i targetingu if [$targetingon || $waypointson] {statusmessage ‘ElfBot NG – CaveBot Paused’ | settargeting off | setfollowwaypoints off | stopattack} else {statusmessage ‘ElfBot NG – CaveBot Resumed’ | settargeting on | setfollowwaypoints on}
Alarm, jezeli GM wysle Ci wiadomosc albo pojawi sie czerwona wiadomosc auto 100 if [$curmsg.sender ? 'GM ' || ($curmsg.isredtext && $curmsg.isbroadcast)] {playsound ‘gmdetected.wav’ | flash}
Auto lod po restarcie auto 1000 listas ‘Anti Idle’ | set $MIN 14 | turns | wait 300 | turnn | wait 300 | turne | wait 300 | turnw | wait [$MIN * 60000]
Skrypt bedzie leczyl wszystkich przyjaciol ultimate healthpotionem Dodaj kolegow do ‘List’ auto 200 safe uhealth 70 friend
Jak zaznaczy target to atakuje z czaru „exori flam” auto 250 isattacking say ‘Exori Flam’
Sprawdzanie pozycji x y z auto 100 listas ‘$posx$ $posy$ $posz$’
Reconect po deadzie auto 200 if [$hp == 0] { reconnect } | wait 1000 |
Auto haste, kazdy rodzaj mozna ustawic auto 100 if [$hastetime <= 2000] say ‘utamo tempo san’
Auto „exura sio” na przyjaciela. auto 200 sio 90 FriendName
Auto Utana vid (sam wrzuca utana vid jak sie skonczy) auto 200 if [$invisible <= 300] say ‘utana vid’
Zmienia wyglad danego gracza np. w potwora auto 2000 setoutfit ‘NickGracza’ 110
automatyczne siohanie przyjaciol jak ma sie wiecej niz 2k many auto 200 if [$mp >= 2000] sio 70 friend | wait 800
gdy nastapi godzina 12:25:31, nasza postac bedzie juz zalogowana auto 200 if [$systime == 12:25:31] connect ‘swiat’ ‘login’ ‘haslo’ ‘nick postaci’
Alarm gdy Pk auto 2000 listas ‘AlarmPK’ | if [$attacker.isplayer == 1] {playsound ‘playeronscreen.wav’ | flash}
Alarm gdy X Cap auto 2000 listas ‘AlarmCAP’ | if [$cap =< X] {playsound playeronscreen.wav | flash}
Alarm Bezczynnosci auto 2000 listas ‘Alarm Bezczynnosci’ | if [ $standtime >= 60*1000 ] {playsound playeronscreen.wav | flash}
Anty-Trap czyli przechodzenie przez skrzynki, parcele, boxy auto 200 listas ‘Anty-Trap’ | allowwalk 145 398 831 832 833 834 897 898 899 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2984 2983 649 2774 6114 2523 6372 7864 2812 2981 2808 2811 6371 2807 6115 2809 2810 2468 2470
Auto Utito Tempo auto 500 listas ‘Utito Tempo’ | if [$strengthtime == 0] say ‘utito tempo’
Msg Box czyli widzimy 6 ostatich wiadomosci w lewym dolnym rogu [Trzeba miec zaznaczone w HUD "On-Screen Info Enabled"] od siebie dodam ze jest to swietna opcja auto 100 listas ‘MSG Box’| listboxsetup 1 [$screenleft+6] [$screenbottom-2] 6 4500000 ‘up’ | if $curmsg.isprivate { ifnot $curmsg.isbotlook { listboxaddline 1 $setcolor 237 242 ‘$systime [$curmsg.sender]: [$curmsg.content]‘ }}
Jesli nasza stamina spadnie do 14h bot stanie, zgubi pz i sie wyloguje auto 1000 listas ‘Log if 14h stamina’ | if [$stamina <= 60*14] {setcavebot off | $battlesign == 0] logout}
„Combo” leczenie [Spell + Potion] W miejsce NICK trzeba wpisac nick naszej postaci np Alex. W miejsce SPELL trzeba wpisac jakis czar leczacy np Exana Mort, badz Exura Gran W miejsce ID trzeba wpisac ID potiona.
auto 10 if [$curmsg.sender == 'NICK' && $curmsg.content == 'SPELL' && $curmsg.isdefault] useoncreature ID self
Rzuca magic walla tak aby odgrodzic dany cel od Twoich wrogow Wrogow dodac do ‘List’ auto 50 mwallcover target
Rzuca magic wall w miejsce, ktore ochroni Cie on przed najwieksza iloscia wrogow Wrogow dodac do ‘List’
auto 50 mwallshield
Jesli przypadkiem zaznaczysz kogos z danej gildii (lub swojej) to skrypt go odznaczy auto 100 if [$target.haslookinfo && $target.guild == 'NAZWA GILDI'] {stopattack | clear $target}
Wyswietla aktualne hp postaci w liczbie i w procentach Wrogow dodac do ‘List’ auto 100 dontlist | setpos 100 100 | setcolor 745769 | displaytext ‘HP: $hp $hppc %’
Wyswietla aktualna mane postaci w liczbie i w procentach auto 100 dontlist | setpos 100 100 | setcolor 745769 | displaytext ‘MP: $mp $mppc %’
Ilosc postaci, ktore znajduja sie wogol postaci auto 100 dontlist | setpos 100 100 | setcolor 745769 | displaytext ‘Gracze wogol postaci: $playeraround.1′
losc kolegow (dodanych w lists), ktorzy aktualnie sa na ekranie auto 100 dontlist | setpos 100 100 | setcolor 745769 | displaytext ‘Przyjaciele na ekranie: $friendcount’
Ilosc wrogow (dodanych w lists), ktorzy aktualnie sa na ekranie auto 100 dontlist | setpos 100 100 | setcolor 745769 | displaytext ‘Wrogowie na ekranie: $enemycount’
Ilosc potworow, ktore znajduja sie wokol postaci auto 100 dontlist | setpos 100 100 | setcolor 745769 | displaytext ‘Potwory wokol postaci: $monsteraround.1′
Jesli postac posiada ponizej 50 SD wylacza cavebota i probuje sie wylogowac auto 1000 if [$itemcount.'Sudden Death Rune'< 50] {setfollowwaypoints off | logout}
Jesli postac jest w pz wylaczy targeting a jesli jest poza pz wlaczy go. auto 2000 if $inpz settargeting off | ifnot $inpz settargeting on
Zamiana w szczora poprzez uzycie czaru Utevo res ina auto 500 if [$self.outfit != 21] say ‘Utevo Res Ina
Jesli braknie SD bedzie bic z exori frigo. auto 200 isattacking {if [$itemcount.'Sudden Death' < 2] say ‘Exori Frigo’}
Dash za potworem. Jesli zamiast NAZWA_STWORZENIA podstawisz Dragon, to postac bedzie „dashowac” za celem (dragonem) auto 50 dashchase NAZWA_STWORZENIA
~~~~?HASTE SCRIPTS?~~~~ UTANI HUR auto 200 if [$hp > 2500] haste UTANI GRAN HUR HP 1500 auto 200 if [$hp > 1500] stronghaste UTANI GRAN HUR auto 200 ifnothasted say ‘UTANI GRAN HUR’ ANTI PARA SH auto 100 listas ‘Anti – Paralyze’ | healparalysis ‘UTANI GRAN HUR’
~~~~?HEAL SCRIPTS?~~~~ UH FRIEND auto 100 listas ‘UH Friend’ | uhpc 90 friend SIO FRIEND auto 100 safe if [$hppc >= 95] { if [$mppc >= 20] { sio 80 friend } else { uhpc 80 friend } }
~~~~?SUPPORT SCRIPTS?~~~~ MANA TRAINER UTANA VID auto 1000 listas ‘Mana Trainer’ | if [$mppc >= 100] say utana vid RECONNECTER auto 100 ifnot $connected { reconnect | wait 1000 } ANTI-IDLE auto 200 listas ‘Dance’ | turnn | wait 200 | turne | wait 200 | turns | wait 200 | turnw | wait 200 | turnn
~~~~?PVP SCRIPTS?~~~~ RE-ATTACKER auto 100 dontlist | isnottargeting attack target ANTI-PUSH auto 100 listas ‘Anti Push: ON’ | dropitems 283 284 285 | ifnot [$topitem.$posx.$posy.$posz == 3031] dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3031 2 | ifnot [$topitem.$posx.$posy.$posz == 3492] dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3492 2 TRASH ONDER JE auto 10 listas ‘Push MAXX’ | moveitemonground $posx [$posy-1] $posz $posx $posy $posz|moveitemonground $posx [$posy+1] $posz $posx $posy $posz|moveitemonground [$posx-1] [$posy-1] $posz $posx $posy $posz|moveitemonground [$posx-1] $posy $posz $posx $posy $posz|moveitemonground [$posx-1] [$posy+1] $posz $posx $posy $posz| moveitemonground [$posx+1] [$posy-1] $posz $posx $posy $posz|moveitemonground [$posx+1] $posy $posz $posx $posy $posz|moveitemonground [$posx+1] [$posy+1] $posz $posx $posy $posz UTAMO VITA RE-USER auto 100 safe if [$mshieldtime <= 3000] say ‘UTAMO VITA’ ANTI ANTI PUSH auto 30 collectitems ‘backpack’ 3031 | collectitems ‘backpack’ 3492 UE COMBO auto 10 listas ‘UE Combo’ | foreach ‘newmessages’ $ue if ?$ue.content == ‘exevo gran mas frigo’ && $ue.sender == ‘Faronix’] say ‘exevo gran mas frigo’ UE COMBO auto 1 listas ‘Combo ue’ | clear $wait | set $ComboLeader ‘Zythox’ | set $ComboLeaderUe ‘Exevo gran mas frigo’ | set $YourUe ‘Exevo gran mas frigo’ | if $wait wait 1 | foreach ‘newmessages’ $j if [$j.sender == $ComboLeader && $j.content ? '$ComboLeaderUe'] {say ‘$YourUe’ | set $wait 1}
~~~~?HUNT SCRIPTS?~~~~ EXORI 3 MONSTERS auto 1000 listas ‘Special Exori’ | if [$monstersaround.1 >= 1 && $playersaround.3 == 0] say ‘exori’
AUTO BUY/SELL ITEMS auto 1 buyitems ID CANTIDAD auto 1 buyitems 238 100 auto 1 stackitems auto 1 sellitems ID Y CANTIDAD
auto 100 npcsay sell 29 sabre l npcsay yes auto 100 buyitems 3273 100
AUTO RESPONDER auto 100 listas ‘Auto Responder’ | if [$curmsg.isprivate] {pm ‘$curmsg.sender’ Auto Msg – No Here, dejame el mensaje por ventrilo’
CHANGE SOFT auto 200 if [$bootsslot.id == WORN_SOFT_BOOTS_ID]{equipboots SOFT_BOOTS_ID | wait 3000}
INMORTAL auto 10 listas ‘Ring mana Shield’ | hplower 1000 equipring 3051 | hphigher 1800 unequip ‘ring’ ‘ backpack’
AUTO UTEVO RES INA auto 200 say utevo res ina ‘”Demon (goblin) | wait 49980
EXORI GRAN IN X % auto 100 listas ‘Exori Gran’ | exorigran 50
AUTO RECOLLECTOR AROUND OF YOURSELF auto 1 listas „Up Monedas ” | collectitems ‘backpack of holding’ ’3031′ ’3035′ ’3725′ ’3043′ ’9019′ ’6390′ ’8063′ ’8060′ ’3253 ‘ ’3606′ ’3775′ ’6529′ ’3492′ ’3588′
auto 1 listas „Up Monedas ” | collectitems ‘brocade backpack’ ’3031′ ’3035′ ’3725′ ’3043′ ’9019′ ’6390′ ’8063′ ’8060′ ’3253 ‘ ’3606′ ’3775′ ’6529′ ’3492′ ’3588′
auto 1 listas „Up Monedas ” | collectitems ‘golden backpack’ ’3031′ ’3035′ ’3725′ ’3043′ ’9019′ ’6390′ ’8063′ ’8060′ ’3253 ‘ ’3606′ ’3775′ ’6529′ ’3492′ ’3588′
auto 1 listas „Up Monedas ” | collectitems ‘backpack’ ’3031′ ’3035′ ’3725′ ’3043′ ’9019′ ’6390′ ’8063′ ’8060′ ’3253 ‘ ’3606′ ’3775′ ’6529′ ’3492′ ’3588′
DWARVEN RING IF EFREET ON SCREEN/ IF NOT TAKE OFF RING auto 200 set $mons ‘Efreet’ | if [$mons.isonscreen == 1]{equipring ‘D-RING_ID’ | wait 300000 | moveitems ‘D-RING_ID’ ‘BACKPACK_NAME’}
FISHING ROD ON WATER ELEMENTALS auto 200 useongrounditem 3483 9582
AUTO RINGS auto 10 equipring 3053
SOFT BOOTS LOW MANA, BOH HIGH MANA auto 200 mplower 800 equipboots 6529 | mphigher 1400 equipboots 3079
STOP HUNTING AND LOG OUT IF NO SOFT auto 200 if [$sbtime == 0]{setfollowwaypoints off | wait 1000 | while [$battlesign == 0]{wait 5000} | logout}
STOP CAVEBOT AND TARGETING if [$targetingon || $waypointson] {statusmessage ‘ElfBot NG – CaveBot Paused’ | settargeting off | setfollowwaypoints off | stopattack} else {statusmessage ‘ElfBot NG – CaveBot Resumed’ | settargeting on | setfollowwaypoints on}
KNIGHTS EXORI GRAN COMBO auto 100 if [$curmsg.sender == 'Lmfao' && $curmsg.content == '1' && $curmsg.isdefault] {say ‘exori gran’ |wait 1500}
STOP BOT IF 20 SD LEFT 11:18 Alsatia [142]: auto 100 listas ‘Empty SD’ | if [$itemcount.'sudden death rune' <= 20] {setfollowwaypoints off | if [$battlesign == 0] logout |foreach’shootablemo
AUTO SSA AT X% auto 10 listas ‘Auto SSA’ | set $pc 40 | if [$hppc < $pc && $winitemcount.3081 >= 1 && $amuletslot.id != 3081] {equipammy 3081 | wait 90}
COMANDER OUTFIT auto 500 setoutfit ‘Blon’ 127
PARALYZE HUNT auto 100 listas ‘HuStrong Haste’ | if [$inpz == 0 && $hasted == 0 && $mp > 100 && $monstersaround.5 == 0] say ‘Utani Gran Hur „Run As u Can | if [$paralyzed && $mp >= 20 && $monstersaround.5 >=1] ‘
auto 100 listas ‘HuStrong Haste’ | if [$inpz == 0 && $hasted == 0 && $mp > 100 && $monstersaround.5 == 0] say ‘Utani Hur „Party Rock People | if [$paralyzed && $mp >= 20 && $monstersaround.5 >=1] ‘
EXORI X IF NO SD auto 200 listas ‘shooter’ | if [$itemcount.'sudden death rune' <= 1 && $target.distance <= 3 && $target.ismonster] say exori vis
UE AT X MONSTER AND NO PLAYERS AROUND auto 200 if [$monstersaround.4 >= 4 && $playersaround.8 == 0] {say ‘exevo gran mas frigo’} auto 200 if [$monstersaround.4 >= 2 && $playersaround.8 == 0] {say ‘exori’}
ANTIPUSH 1. auto 100 listas ‘Anti Push: ON’ | dropitems 283 284 285 | ifnot [$topitem.$posx.$posy.$posz == 3031] dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3031 2 | ifnot [$topitem.$posx.$posy.$posz == 3492] dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3492 2
2. auto 10..30 listas ‘Anti Push’ | if [$topitem.$posx.$posy.$posz != 3031] {dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3031 $rand.1.4 | wait 100..200}
AUTO SD Auto 1 safe sd target
AUTO UTANI TEMPO HUR auto 200 listas ‘autoHaster’ | if [$hasted == 0] say ‘utani tempo hur’
ML TRAIN auto 200 listas ‘Mlvl Train’ | if [$mppc >= 98] say utana vid
auto 200 listas ‘Mlvl Train’ | if [$mppc >= 98] say Exori
auto 200 listas ‘Mlvl Train’ | if [$mppc >= 98] say Utito Tempo
IF X MONSTERS USE X SPELL auto 200 listas ‘Exori 3 monsters’ | if [$monstersaround.1 >= 2] ifnoplayeronscreen istargeting mphigher 120 say ‘Exori”
AUTO SIO FRIEND auto 200 listas ‘Sio Friend’ | safe sio 90 friend
PAUSE CAVEBOT if [$targetingon || $caveboton] {statusmessage ‘ElfBot NG – CaveBot Paused’ | stopattack | settargeting off | setcavebot off | wait 400 | end} | if [$targetingon == 0 || $caveboton == 0] {statusmessage ‘ElfBot NG – CaveBot Resumed’ | settargeting on | setcavebot on | wait 400}
IF PLAYER STOPED 10 SEC, PLAY ALARM auto 200 if [$standtime >= 10*1000] {playsound ‘stopped.wav’ | flash}
ANTI PARALYZE auto 10 safe ifplayerattacking healparalysis ‘utani gran hur’ auto 10 safe ifplayerattacking healparalysis ‘utani tempo hur’
ENEMY OUTFIT CHANGER auto 100 dontlist | foreach ‘allplayers’ $en if [$en.isenemy] setoutfit $en.name 128
CHANGE GOLD TO PLATINUM auto 200 listas ‘Gold coin – platinum coin’ | stackitems | if [ $itemcount.3035 >= 100 ] equipbelt 3035 | if [$beltslot.id == 3035 && $beltslot.count == 100] useitem 3035
CHANGE PLATINUM TO CRYSTAL auto 200 listas ‘Platinum – Crystal’ | stackitems | if [ $itemcount.3035 >= 100 ] equipbelt 3035 | if [$beltslot.id == 3035 && $beltslot.count == 100] useitem 3035
ADVANCED HEALING auto 100 clear $pot | if [$hppc <= 30 && $mp < 160] {uh self | set $pot 1} | if [$mppc <= 70 && $pot == 0] {smana self | set $pot 1} | if [$hppc <= 60 && $mp >= 160] {say ‘Exura Vita’ | wait 300 | end} | if [$hppc <= 75 && $mp >= 70] {say ‘Exura Gran’ | wait 300 | end} | if [$hppc <= 90 && $mp >= 20] {say ‘Exura’ | wait 300 | end} | if $pot wait 500
auto 100 clear $pot | if [$hppc <= 30 && $mp < 160] {uh self | set $pot 1} | if [$mppc <= 70 && $pot == 0] {smana self | set $pot 1} | if [$hppc <= 75 && $mp >= 160] {say ‘Exura Vita’ | wait 300 | end} | if [$hppc <= 85 && $mp >= 70] {say ‘Exura Gran’ | wait 300 | end} | if [$hppc <= 95 && $mp >= 20] {say ‘Exura’ | wait 300 | end} | if $pot wait 500
auto 10 clear $pot | if [$hppc <= 30 && $mp < 160] {uh self | set $pot 1} | if [$mppc <= 70 && $pot == 0] {smana self | set $pot 1} | if [$hppc <= 95 && $mp >= 160] {say ‘Exana Mort’ | wait 300 | end} | if [$hppc <= 95 && $mp >= 70] {say ‘Exana Mort’ | wait 300 | end} | if [$hppc <= 0 && $mp >= 20] {say ‘Exura’ | wait 300 | end} | if $pot wait 500
AUTO UTITO TEMPO auto 10000 say ‘Utito tempo’
RECONNECT auto 100 ifnot $connected { reconnect | wait 6000 }
HEAL FRIENDS WITH POTION auto 100 set $potionid 7643 | set $perc 80 | set $dist 2 | clear $best | set $lowest 100 | foreach ‘screenplayers’ $fr {if [$fr.distance <= $dist && $fr.hppc < $perc && $fr.hppc < $lowest && ($fr.isfriend || $fr.issubfriend)] {set $lowest $fr.hppc | set $best $fr}} | if [$hppc <= $perc] set $best $self | if $best {dashchase $best.id | useoncreature $potionid $best.id | wait
TRADE HELPER auto 100 listas ‘Trade Helper’| tradesay ‘SELLING BLA BLA BLA’ | wait [$rand.120.240*1000]
AUTO DANCE 1. auto 100 listas ‘Anti-Idle’ | if [$self.dir == 0] {set $dir 0 | set $firdir ‘turnn’ | set $secdir ‘turns’} | if [$self.dir == 1] {set $dir 1 | set $firdir ‘turne’ | set $secdir ‘turnw’} | if [$self.dir == 2] {set $dir 2 | set $firdir ‘turns’ | set $secdir ‘turnn’} | if [$self.dir == 3] {set $dir 3 | set $firdir ‘turnw’ | set $secdir ‘turne’} | if [$time > $idletime] {exec $secdir | wait 1500 | exec $firdir | wait 1500 | if [$self.dir == $dir] $idletime [$time+60]}
2. auto 1 Dontlist | turnn | wait 1 | turne | wait 1 | turns | wait 1 | turnw
NAVIGATION PERFECT COMBO navsay ‘combo Gmomey’
COMBO UE auto 100 if [$curmsg.isdefault && $curmsg.sender == 'Venom' && $curmsg.content == 'exevo gran mas flam'] {say ‘exevo gran mas flam’ | wait 1630} auto 100 if [$curmsg.isdefault && $curmsg.sender == 'Venom' && $curmsg.content == 'exevo gran mas frigo'] {say ‘exevo gran mas frigo’ | wait 1630}
ENEMY LIST AUTOMATICAMENTE, SI NO ESTA EN FRIEND LIST auto 200 foreach ‘allplayers’ $oo {if [$oo.isfriend == 0 && $oo.isenemy == 0] setrelation ‘$oo.name’ ‘enemy’}
CHANGE X VOCATION OF ENEMY LIST OUTFIT auto 100 foreach ‘allplayers’ $l {if [$l.isenemy || $l.issubenemy] {setoutfitcolor $l.name 123 123 123 123 3 | if [$l.issorcerer] setoutfit $l.name 130 | if [$l.isdruid] setoutfit $l.name 144 | if [$l.isknight] setoutfit $l.name 134 | if [$l.ispaladin] setoutfit $l.name 152}}
MWALLTRAPER auto 100 listas ‘MW’ | safe {set $y $target.posy | set $x $target.posx | if [$target.posx > $posx] inc $x | if [$target.posx < $posx] dec $x | if [$target.posy > $posy] inc $y | if [$target.posy < $posy] dec $y | {useongroundxyz [3180] [$x] [$y] [$target.posz]}}
ATACK MAGE LVL 200 OR LESS auto 200 foreach ‘screenplayers’ $bt if [$bt.isenemy && $bt.level < 200 && $bt.ismage] {attack $bt | sd $bt}
SOFT CHANGER auto 1000 if [$bootsslot.id == 6530 && $itemcount.3549 > 0]{equipboots 3549}
HEAL FRIEND auto 100 set $potionid 238 | set $perc 40 | set $dist 1 | clear $best | set $lowest 100 | foreach ‘screenplayers’ $fr {if [$fr.distance <= $dist && $fr.hppc < $perc && $fr.hppc < $lowest && ($fr.isfriend || $fr.issubfriend)] {set $lowest $fr.hppc | set $best $fr}} | if [$hppc <= $perc] set $best $self | if $best {dashchase $best.id | useoncreature $potionid $best.id | wait 300}
MWALLCOMBO ELFBOT auto 100 dontlist | set $x [$leader.posx-3] | set $y [$leader.posy-3] | set $z [$leader.posz] auto 100 dontlist | setrelation ‘$name’ ’0′ | set $leader $creature.’$lastnavmsg.sender’ | set $random $rand.1.7 auto 100 dontlist | foreach ‘newmessages’ $nav1 if [$nav1.isnavi && $nav1.content == 'mwn'] {useongroundxyz 3180 [$x+$random] [$leader.posy-4] [$z]} auto 100 dontlist | foreach ‘newmessages’ $nav1 if [$nav1.isnavi && $nav1.content == 'mwe'] {useongroundxyz 3180 [$leader.posx+5] [$y+$random] [$z]} auto 100 ´´dontlist | foreach ‘newmessages’ $nav1 if [$nav1.isnavi && $nav1.content == 'mws'] {useongroundxyz 3180 [$x+$random] [$leader.posy+4] [$z]} auto 100 dontlist | foreach ‘newmessages’ $nav1 if [$nav1.isnavi && $nav1.content == 'mww'] {useongroundxyz 3180 [$leader.posx-5] [$y+$random] [$z]}
DASH LIKE A MAGEBOT if [$key.04] {set $mousedash 1} auto 1 dontlist | if [$mousedash == 1 && $key.04] {dash} | if [$mousedash && $standtime > 2000] {set $mousedash 0}
STAMINA BUYER auto 1000 listas ‘Buy Stamina’ | if [$stamina <= 2520] say ‘!stamina’
1. autosay exori vis ->says the spell if u have a target
2. autorune xxxx ->shoot rune if u have target
3. say spell ->says the spell
4. self xxxx ->use item on self like mana potion or uh/ if it is a manapotion it wont use if u are near full
5. target xxxx ->shoot rune on target
6. ring xxxx ->equip ring
7. amul xxxx ->equip amulet
8. ANTIPUSH ->keep 1-2 gp under u at all times from an open container
9. AUTOGRANHUR-> Turns on Automatic cast Great Haste, Press again to turn off(disable)
10.AUTOHUR-> Turns on Automatic Cast Regular Haste, Press again to turn off
11.EXORIMAX -> same as autosay exori vis, but instead of exori vis, it chooses the best strike spell(based on monster weakness) from targeting.txt
-11. SDMAX ->auto traced sds from enemies.txt
12. SDMAX1 ->shoots a singe traced sd from enemies.txt
13. SDLAST1 ->shoots a single traced sd on the last target
14. SDLAST ->auto traced sd on the last target
15. RMAX xxxx -> same as SDMAX but uses runes with ID xxxx
16. RMAX1 xxxx -> same as SDMAX1 but uses runes with ID xxxx
17. PARAMAX -> same as SDMAX but with paralyze runes
18. PARAMAX1 -> same as SDMAX1 but with paralyze runes
19. MWALLMAX -> tries to continuously target (or enemy from enemies.txt) with magic wall runes.
20. MWALLMAX1 -> shoots a single magic wall to try to block or trap target.
21. MWALLCOMBO -> If you are leader your team will shoot an mwall line where you click. If you are not leader just gives you an mwall crosshair
22. FOLLOW ->first use the tibia follow on a char before pressing this hotkey (escape cancels)
23. SSA1-> Loads a single stone skin amulet
24. AUTOSSA -> Autoloads stone skin amulets
25. SSAFAST xxxx -> Spams SSA loading every xxxx milliseconds(default 300)
26. ATKMAX -> Automatically Attacks an enemy from enemies.txt
27. SPRINT -> Speedhack. You must hold down this key while tapping arrow keys.(Default is the DELETE key)
28. CHANGEALL ->Changes everyones outfit to a random outfit (CHANGEALL xxxx will change to the number xxxx)
29. CHANGESELF ->Changes your outfit to a random outfit (CHANGESELF xxxx will change to the outfit number xxxx);
30. GOUP ->Your character will use ladders,rope holes that are next to him
31. LOGOUT ->Your character will logout as soon as PZ is gone
32. UEMAX ->Leader uses this to make other chars cast their uecombo spell if they are in range
33. PUSHMAX and PUSHMAXD -> Pushes chars on enemy list or if you look at or target a character
34. STOPMANA -> Stops the Auto Mana Refiller until you press Escape
35. GFBCOMBO xxxx -> If you are leader your team will shoot a GFB rune combo with rune xxxx where you click. If you are not leader just gives you an xxxx crosshair
36. SDNEAR -> Shoots an SD on the target from enemies list that is closest to your you and your team
37. MWALLBEHIND->Shoots an Magic Wall behind your character
38. DODGE Escape to trappeds
1. auto 200 haste — utani hur
2. auto 100 healparalysis utani hur <-- anty paral
3. auto 200 manashield --utamo vita jak się skończy
4. auto 200 equipammy 3081 -- zakłada ssa
5. auto 10000 eatfood --jedzenie fooda
6. auto 100 if [$mp > 200 && $monstersaround.2 >= 3] ifnoplayeronscreen { say ‘exevo mas san’ | wait 100 } –exevo mas san gdy 3 potwory i nikogo na ekranie.
7. auto 1000 if [$bhttp://www.tmpl.info/ootsslot.id == 6530] say !soft zmienia softy komenda
8. auto 3000 useoncreature 3150 target Uderza w potwora z runy o danym ID (domy?lne ID 3150)
9. auto 200 listas ‘Gold coin platinum coin’ | stackitems | if [ $itemcount.3031 >= 100 ] equipbelt 3031 | if [$beltslot.id == 3031 && $beltslot.count == 100] useitem 3031 Zmiana GP na platynki/cc itp.
10. auto 500 skin 1 4025 4047 4011 4057 4052 4062 Wycinanie skórek z minosów
11. auto 200 equipboots 6259 Zmiana zużytych softów na nowe
12. auto 200 if [$invisible <= 300] say ‘utana vid’ Auto UtAnA vId (sam wrzuca utana vid jak się skończy)(vid)
13. auto 100 dontlist | if [$hppc <= 30] equipring MIGHTRINGID auto 100 dontlist | if [$hppc <= 30] equipring MIGHTRINGID
14. auto 100 listas „Anti push enabled” | if [$itemcount.3031 >= 2] {dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3031 2 | wait 300} | if [$itemcount.3492 >= 2] {dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3492 2 | wait 300} | if [$itemcount.283 >= 1] {dropitems 283 | wait 300} | if [$itemcount.284 >= 1] {dropitems 284 | wait 300} | if [$itemcount.285 >= 1] {dropitems 285 | wait 300} Anty push.Rzuca pod siebie GP
15. auto 100 listas ‘Anti Poison’ | if [$poisondmg >= 5 && $mp >= 30] {say ‘Exana Pox’ | wait 900} Exana pox gdy jeste?my zatruci (odejmuje po 5)
16. auto 100 dontlist | ifgm {settargeting off | setcavebot off} Jezeli pojawi sie GM wylacza Cavebotta i targeting.
17. magwall target Magwall target czyli rzuca Magic Walle 2 kratki przed „twarz” jeżeli mamy jš zaznaczonš.(F12)
18. spyup spydown Patrzenie na poziomy niżej lub wyżej
19. exivalast Exiva ostatnio osobę jakš szukali?my (exivowali?my)
20. auto 15000 stackitems Łšczenie GP, food itp.
21. auto 100 mphigher 2200 say ‘exevo gran mas frigo’ Mana trainer (1000 to liczba many)
22. auto 200 pickupitems ID Podnoszenie itemów o danym ID z ziemi (free items)
23. auto 100 ifnot $connected { reconnect | wait 1000 } Automatyczne logowanie po kicku lub crashu serwera
24. auto 8000 say „utito tempo Utito Tempo- Char sam wrzuca czar ,,Utito Tempo”
25. auto 10000 turns | turnn Anty IDLE
26 auto 200 equipammy 3081 Wkładanie stone skin amuletów!
27 auto 100 isattacking ifplayeronscreen {exorihur 100 | end} | if [$monstersaround.1 >= 1 && $mp >= 120] {say ‘exori’ |wait 1630} Exori- bije exori gdy nikogo nie ma na ekranie gdy ktos sie pokaze bije exori hur
28. auto 1 keepmagwall Rzuca MW cały czas w to samo miejsce
29. auto 500 listas ‘Charge’ | ifnot $hasted say ‘utani tempo hur’ Po wpisaniu komendy bot automatycznie będzie rzucał czar „utani tempo hur” gdy się on skończy.
30. auto 10 if [$curmsg.sender == 'NICK LIDERA COMBO' && $curmsg.content == 'JAKI CZAR'] {say ‘JAKI CZAR’ | wait 1900} Ten skrypt pozwala walnšć Combo ue lub innego czaru
31. auto 200 equipboots 6529 Skrypt na zmiane softów
32. auto 100 if [$mcount."$m.distance <= 1" >= 4] say ‘Exevo gran mas vis’ | wait 1900 Wali z Ue gdy 4 potworki
33. auto 100 if [$hastetime <= 2000] say ‘utani hur’ | if [$mshieldtime <= 2000 say 'utito tempo' Bot sam trzyma zarówno Haste jak i utito tempo
34. auto 100 if [$hastetime <= 2000] say ‘utani gran hur’ | if [$mshieldtime <= 2000 say 'utamo vita' Bot sam trzyma zarówno Strong Haste jak i Mana Shield.
35. auto 100 if [$mppc < ilo?ć many] useoncreature id pota self Manaruna/pot na manę:
36. auto 200 sd enemy Gdy zobaczy wroga na ekranie automatycznie uderzy w niego sd!
37. auto 200 mplower 1000 equipboots 6529 | mphigher 5000 equipboots 3556 <333 softy
38. auto 1000 useoncreature 268 nick Mój ulubiony skrypt chyba , bot manasuje wybrana osobę wybranym potem (268 to id pota)
39. auto 2000 if [$cap <50] {setcavebot off | settargeting off | playsound 'disconnected.wav'} Gdy mamy poniżej 50capa bot wyłšcza nam cavebota i targeting i włšcza się alarm
40. auto 2000 if [$standtime >= 45*1000] playsound playeronscreen.wav Bot piszczy gdy przez dany czas nie będziemy nic robić (tzn bez czynno?ć )
41. auto 1500 listas ‘Auto-utana’ | ifnot $invisible {say ‘Utana Vid’ | wait 800} Bot trzyma utane vid
42.auto 200 charge Bot trzyma utani tempo hur:
43. auto 200 swiftfoot Bot trzyma utamo tempo san
44. auto 620000 say !save zapsuje dane (vexoria)
45. auto 500 dontlist | mphigher 1000 say ‘utana vid’
46. auto 100 isattacking ifplayeronscreen {exori con 100 | end} | if [$monstersaround.1 >= 2 && $mp >= 120] {say ‘exevo mas san’ |wait 1630} – 1 exori con 2 exevo mas san
47. auto 200 dontlist | setoutfit „Master Pojjara’co” 309 – widzienie gracza jak potwor
48. auto 1000 ifnoplayeronscreen if [$monstersaround.1 >= 1 && $mp >= 0] {say ‘exevo gran mas frigo’ | wait 0} | ifplayeronscreen if [$monstersaround.1 >= 1 && $mp >= 0]{sd target} – wali ue jak nie ma na ekranie gracza a jak jest to sd
49. auto 500 if [$monstersaround.3 <= 1 ] { if [$target] { useoncreature ITEMID target } } else ifnoplayeronscreen { if [$mp >= 3000] { if [$monstersaround.3 >= 2] { say ‘Exevo Gran Mas Vis’ } } } – bot walil sd w target gdy jest 1 potwor, a jak jest wiecej niz 1 to wali exevo gran mas vis. jakby ktos czul sie na silach to takze by sie przydala taka opcja aby bot nie walil ue gdy gracz jest na ekranie.
50. auto 100 if [$monstersaround.3 > 0 ] say ‘exevo gran mas frigo’ – ue nawet gdy gracz na ekranie
51. auto 1000 listas „FWB” | if ?$bootsslot.id == 9020] say !recharge fire – naladowanie fwb
52. auto 100 pickupitems – zbiera co jest pod toba
53. auto 500 listas ‘Change SD/Frigo’ | countitemsvisible 3155 | if [$count > 5 && $attacked] sd target | countitemsvisible 3155 | if [$count < 5 && $attacked] say ‘exori frigo’ – gdy sie skoncza sd wali exori frigo
54. auto 200 isnotonscreen ‘Dragon Lord’ stronghaste – gdy nie ma potwora na ekranie wrzuca utani gran hur
55.auto 2000 | listas ‘AlarmPK’ | if [$attacker.isplayer == 1] {playsound playeronscreen.wav | wait 1000} PK aLaRm
56. auto 2000 | listas AlarmCap | if [$cap < xx]{playsound playeronscreen.wav | wait 100} – gdy xxx capa alarm piszczy
57. auto 2000 | listas ‘AlarmSD’ | if [$itemcount.'tekst' < xx]{playsound playeronscreen.wav | wait 1000} – gdy sd xxx troche do przerobienia AlARM
58. auto 1000 if [$itemcount.'great spirit potion' < 300] playsound monster.wav – Mniej jak 300 GSP Alarm
59.auto 100 ifnoplayeronscreen if [$monstersaround.2 > 0] say ‘exori venoficus flabra’ | ifplayeronscreen if [$monstersaround.3 > 0] useoncreature 3187 target -Wali ue przy graczu sd (3187)
60. auto 100 if [$curmsg.content ? 'has' && $curmsg.isstatus] {playsound ‘elfng.wav’} – Jesli ktos zaloguje z VIP’a wlancza sie alarm :d
61. auto 200 if [$mppc < 55] useoncreature 3159 self – mana runa
62. auto 200 hplower XXX useoncreature XXX self -lecznie uhem
63. auto 1 listas ‘Might Ringi’ | equipring 3048 – zmiania might ringow
64. auto 100 if [$bootsslot.id != 6549] equipboots 6529 – zmienia softy komenda
65.uto 5000 ifnot $connected {reconnect | wait 2000 | openbeltitem | wait 2000 | openbpitem | end} – zaloguje po restarcie servera
66. auto 100 if [$mp > 200 && $monstersaround.2 >= 3] ifnoplayeronscreen { say ‘exori’ | wait 100 } – exori gdy 3 potwory
67. auto 100 listas „Anti push enabled” | if [$itemcount.3031 >= 2] {dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3031 2 | wait 300} | if [$itemcount.3725 >= 2] {dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3725 2 | wait 300} | if [$itemcount.283 >= 1] {dropitems 283 | wait – anty push gp i platyny
68. auto 1 useoncreature 238 „nick” – potowanie siebie gmp
69. auto 100 listas „Reconnect” | ifnot $connected { reconnect | wait 7000 } – zaloguje jak padnie postac
70. auto 1 mplower 3000 {setfollowwaypoints off | wait 3000} | mphigher 8000 {setfollowwaypoints on | wait 3000} | if [$standtime >= 15*1000] useoncreature 238 self | wait 1
//** Kondzio **//
Action na Jednoczesne uzycie scyzora i exani tera na rope place
wait 500 useongrounditem 9599 386 say „Exani Tera”